Puma Polymers® Por-A-Kast Polyurethane Resin Casting, Clear Resin, and Polyurethane Casting Foam
Is a two-component rigid urethane elastomer measuring approximately 73 on the Shore D Hardness scale. Por-A-Kast resin is very hard, yet it has the strength typical of a more flexible material. This means that it can be trusted for thin parts and parts that may also require mechanical finishing. Por-A-Kast is fully machinable - it can be turned, drilled, ground and sanded. In its liquid state, Por-A-Kast resin pours like water so it will pick up the minutest detail, down to a fingerprint. The two-minute gel time of Por-A-Kast resin allows for rapid production turnover. Easily mixed, 1:1 by volume, Por-A-Kast resin can be painted, or filled with glass powder, bronze powder, marble dust, wood flour, and dry pigment to achieve a wide variety of weights, surface colors and patterns.